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Blumenthal Statement on Turkish "Ceasefire"

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the following statement after Vice President Pence announced a supposed ceasefire in Syria that would allow Turkish forces to claim significant territory in regions previously controlled by our Kurdish partners:

“This supposed ceasefire is a deceptive bait and switch that should redouble determination to pass our strong sanctions bill. Do not be fooled – the announced ceasefire is neither a military victory for our Kurdish partners in Syria, nor a diplomatic victory for the Trump Administration. This illusory solution is a catastrophic, roundabout way for President Trump to give President Erdogan exactly what he wanted: a Kurdish withdrawal, and free reign over northern Syria. The President got rolled, and so did our national integrity. It is yet another betrayal to our Kurdish partners and a boon to our adversaries, Russia and Iran.”