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Blumenthal Statement on Senate Passage of FAA Reauthorization

[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released the statement below following the Senate passage of H.R.3935, the Securing Growing and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act, to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) through FY2028:

“The Senate has taken decisive action to bring certainty to the American people and ensure the critical continuation of our nation’s air travel. I am pleased to see the FAA reauthorization take significant steps forward in improving air travel for consumers, increasing overall accessibility, and safeguarding fliers’ health and safety. With the inclusion of provisions from my bicameral Cabin Air Safety Act, today’s measure will protect passengers and crews from harmful smoke and fumes while aboard their flights. What’s more, the FAA reauthorization stands up to airlines that are shrinking seats and squeezing passengers to pad their profits by requiring the FAA to pass overdue rules to address reduced aircraft passenger seats. I will continue working to build on the progress made today that enhances passenger safety and improves air travel for all Americans.”

Blumenthal has authored numerous pieces of legislation to improve airline safety and enhance consumer protections for air travelers, including his comprehensive legislation, S.178, the Airline Passengers’ Bill of Rights.

The FAA reauthorization passed today includes provisions from Blumenthal’s legislation, S.615, the Cabin Air Safety Act of 2023, which establishes air quality standards and assists with the monitoring, reporting, and investigating of toxic fume events aboard aircraft. The FAA reauthorization also includes provisions based on Blumenthal’s S.1866, the Safe Seats for All Act, which establishes an interim moratorium on the reduction of aircraft passenger seat sizes, widths, and lengths until the FAA promulgates a final rule on the minimum dimensions necessary to ensure the health and safety of passengers.
