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Blumenthal Statement on Situation in Ukraine

(Hartford, CT) – Today, Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, issued the following statement on the current situation in Ukraine:

“Having met frequently with Connecticut’s Ukrainian community, I am grateful to my colleague and Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee John McCain for meeting with them today. The slaying of Boris Nemtsov, just before he was to release a report revealing Russian military involvement in the war in Ukraine, added another senseless casualty to this regional crisis. I have joined my colleagues in leading bipartisan efforts in Congress to stop Russia’s flagrant effort to destabilize Ukraine and further intimidate and threaten our European allies. After working with fellow members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, including Senator McCain on a letter urging the President to provide aid to Ukraine, I am now leading a new bipartisan effort with Sen. Ayotte to urge Congress to provide the necessary funding for defensive weapons authorized under the Ukraine Freedom Support Act.”

Senator Blumenthal’s efforts to assist Ukraine include being a cosponsor of the Ukraine Freedom Support Act, writing to the President to urge defensive arms for Ukraine, urging Secretary Kerry to impose further sanctions on Russia and being a member of the Senate Ukraine Caucus. He is also a cosponsor of S. Res 72, a resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the January 24, 2015, attacks carried out by Russian-backed rebels on the civilian population in Mariupol, Ukraine, and the provision of lethal and non-lethal military assistance to Ukraine. On March 12th, the Senator Blumenthal will join Sen. Durbin and other caucus members in a meeting with Ambassadors from Poland, France, Germany and the UK to discuss NATO’s response to continued Russian aggression.